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Automatic Wet Blasting Machine
Automatic Wet Blasting Machine
SK 1300 Automatic Wet Blasting Machine is one of our multidirectional automatic wet blasting systems; Perfect solution for users that need durability and process reliability. This wet blasting machine can handle a wide range of materials, thanks to the automatic speed adjustment turntable. It becomes easy to operate the machine and the turntable by PLC unit and easy interface. Thanks to the radial arm used in automatic machining of SK 1300, provides flexibility to make and touch; operation on surfaces that the operator cannot reach. It is equipped with 4 sandblasting guns that make it easier to process the large components.
*Comfortable Operation by Ergonomic Design *Long Lasting, Safe, Resistant *Programming Options for Every Different Transaction *Recipe Parameters' Control and Consistency *Cabinet Mounted Rinsing Gun Provides Convenience.
Saykar has been manufacturing surface treatment machines working with pressurised air since 2003. The design and principles of operation of these machines are entirely owned by Saykar. SK 1300 Automatic Wet Blasting Machine is one of them.

"Saykar Total Number of Sandblasting Machines 1523"

"Wet Blasting Machines 157"

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Wet Blasting Process
Wet blasting is a process developed with the aim of meeting the need of high quality surface finishing in a wide variety of area usage.

This process uses a mixture of water and abrasive at certain rates. This slurry is pumped from the tank to the blasting gun. The slurry meets compressed air in the mixing chamber, creating a highly powerful blast stream. This stream accelerates though the boron carbide nozzles, ensuring the ideal blasting. After impacting upon the surface, the slurry goes back to the mixing chamber, recirculates through the same system for continuous use.

As in the case with dry blasting, the main role in obtaining the required surface is played by the abrasive. This offers a great variety and controllability since the form, hardness and size of abrasive particles can be chosen according to the application, in order to get the desired surface. We provide recommendations and essential technical information in choosing the abrasive which suits the application the best. Wet sandblasting not only ends in an extremely clean and high-quality surface, but it also facilitates the nitration action. The nitrogen diffuses very easily through the wet blasted surface.The duration during which the abrasive can be used depends on various factors such as pressure of the air, number of guns and operating time.

As mentioned above, the fluid dynamics lubricates the abrasive and ensures a less aggressive and tenderer blasting. Consistent flow provided by the water protects the surface and the geometrical shape of the die. One of the most significant advantages of the wet blasting is that the slurry can find serpentine ways over the tangled surfaces by the help of water and provide a homogeneous polishing over every type of surfaces.

The suitable abrasive should be chosen taking account of its endurance and the hardness of the surface.
As the usage of abrasive together with water can cause corrosion, all parts which are exposed to water are made from stainless steel in our machines.

Application Advantages
Wet blasting technology offers a more effective and constant polishing action when compared to conventional dry blasting systems. Wet sandblasting can remove deeply imbedded contaminations on the die without causing any damage to the substrate below. At the same time, this process enables us to bypass the time consuming drying stage, which is often needed between caustic cleaning and polishing.

One of the most important benefits of wet blasting is providing a high standard of polishing, so manual polishing becomes redundant and several minutes are lost per die. As the particles are more intensive in wet blasting than in dry blasting, they are able to flow over surface and their contact with the surface is increased, leading to a further surface quality.

Thus, another important advantage gained by the wet blasting system is a higher die success rate, contributing to the complete operation. The wet blasting process polishes homogeneously and achieves full success for the production.

The technological pre-eminence of wet blasting arises from its homogeneous polishing success, which makes it a strong alternative to dry blasting system which causes unfavourable outcomes because of its unsteady flow rates. Some dry blasting processes are known to abrade the surface of the die, resulting in profiles with poor performances, this risk is eliminated when wet blasting systems are used. Its ability to achieve steady and homogeneous polishes allows to reach better die success rates. It is observed that extrusion plants using wet blasting system are increasing their die success rates up to 4%.

Wet blasting process offers a better work environment. The usage of water defeats the problem of airborne particles and prevents their accumulation around the machines. This industrial hygiene eliminates additional cleaning and maintenance needs.

Owing to the wet blasting process, the molding sector gained access to a technology which is far more effective than conventional blasting systems. It also found an opportunity to save time and cost as the wet blasting process is quicker and more economic in the matter of polishing.

Wet blasting offers a flexible and successful solution in the cleaning of molds and in every area it is used, thanks to the variety of process parameters and high controllability.

Wet blasting is a process developed with the aim of meeting the need of high quality surface finishing in a wide variety of area usage. The continuity of the process is vitally subject of the cleaning and polishing of molds. These operations which have a great importance in ensuring a constant production in a molding factory, are considered to be time-consuming and laborious.

Mold scrap rates and low surface quality are risked when the due care isn't taken during the operations needed for the preparation of mold. In the recent years, dry blasting systems were started to be used by moulders in order to deal with this problem. However, as dry blasting systems are bulky and their maintenance is costly, the necessity for a new alternative emerged. The improvement of wet blasting process now obliges the moulders to adopt a more cost effective and time saving solution.

As a result, this part aims to demonstrate the advantages of using a wet blasting system in mold plants. We are expecting that this document, which explains benefits of the usage of wet blasting system and the scientific data behind this technology, will constitute a source for the passage to this new system in mold industry.

Saykar Sandblasting